Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Cyberbullying is bullying on the internet using electronic technology. Examples of cyberbullying are insults and rumors sent through text messages or emails, posted on social networking sites, and also embarassing pictures, videos, websites, or fake profiles. Kids who are cyberbullied are more likely to use alcohol and drugs, skip school, lower self-esteem and even commit a suicide. It is more difficult for parents to check on their kids now since teens tend to keep things to themselves and rather express themselves and tell others online through social network, which poses higher risk of cyberbullying.
As stated in the article "Girl's Suicide Points to Rise in Apps Used by Cyberbullies", "“It’s a whole new culture, and the thing is that as adults, we don’t know anything about it because it’s changing every single day,” said Denise Marzullo, the chief executive of Mental Health America of Northeast Florida in Jacksonville, who works with the schools there on bullying issues." 


  1. It's really sad to see kids doing this. I wonder if cyber bullying will ever stop

  2. Yes I agree, cyberbullying is a whole new culture where adults have little knowledge about. Because the rates are increasing, I think there should be more anti-cyberbullying campaigns and workshops at school for parents.
